Author: Sian Gibby
Position Opening at Queens College: Confidential Executive Assistant
Confidential Executive Assistant (HEa)
Queens, New York
Job ID: 27403
Location: Queens College.
To read more about this position or to apply, click here.
A Legacy of Making: 21 Contemporary Italian American Artists
Curated by Joanne Mattera and Joseph Sciorra
Exhibition opening takes place on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 6pm.
The work of the twenty-one artists featured in this exhibit offers a richness of form, medium, subject matter, color, and style that is a delight and a revelation to behold. Connections to a discernable Italian art tradition—or for that matter to Italian American aesthetic practices more specifically—vary across the exhibition, ranging from the explicit to the suggestive to the nonexistent.
After the opening on September 27, the exhibition will be accessible during business hours, 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, and is located in the Galleria of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute.
Detail of Due Facc’, by John Avelluto, 2020
Honoring Pete Panto, in the New York Times
Today’s New York Times features an article by James Barron that details Calandra’s Dr. Joseph Sciorra’s tireless campaign to recognize the life of dockworker Pete Panto by erecting a gravestone for the murdered labor activist buried in the St. Charles Cemetery on Long Island. Read the article here. And please consider attending the commemoration of Panto that will take place at the gravesite on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 2:30pm. Click here for the address and further details.
Calandra’s Dean Participates in Italian American Book Event in Settefrati
Calandra’s dean Anthony Tamburri was in Italy recently, representing the Institute and Queens College, CUNY, at a number of events. One of these was a presentation, organized by the mayor of Settefrati, of a book titled Una Nuova e Più Grande Settefrati sul Suolo D’America (A new and greater Settefrati on American soil), written by Mario Vitti (edited by Dean Tamburri). The book covers the immigration of Italians from Settefrati (Frosinone province) to Connecticut. Dean Tamburri made some remarks at the event. (Video is in Italian; the book is in Italian and in English.)
August 23, 2023: A Double Remembrance Day
Today, Wednesday, August 23, 2023, marks two solemn anninversaries: Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed in 1927 in Boston; and Yusuf Hawkins was murdered in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn in 1989.
Italian Diaspora Summer Studies Seminar in Rome
The 2023 edition of the Italian Diaspora Summer Studies Seminar at Roma Tre University has concluded, and it was a huge success. For more information on the Seminar or to apply for next year’s trip and course of study, please go to our IDSSS page. Buona estate.
Online Form for Italian Heritage & Culture Month Events
For 2023, the theme for Italian Heritage & Culture Month, as selected by the Italian Heritage & Culture Committee of New York, Inc., is The Joys of Learning Italian.
Please click here to submit the online events form or to download the form and print and mail it in physically. To mail the filled-out forms, send them to
Attn: Joan Marchi Migliori, Program Chair
25 West 43rd Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY, 10036
Forms must be submitted by July 20, 2023. Please use a separate form for each event. Please indicate if the event is part of a series. Please type or print legibly.
Emma and the Angel of Central Park, by Maria Teresa Cometto

A well-attended book launch was held at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura on May 31 to celebrate the English translation of Maria Teresa Cometto’s new book Emma and the Angel of Central Park (2023 Bordighera Press). The book tells the amazing true story of Emma Stebbins and her path toward designing the famous Angel of the Waters statue for the park’s Bethesda Fountain. The statue is monumental achievement for a woman sculptor in any era, and it was all the more so in 1868. Cometto’s book is a delightful and informative read. The book is available here and here, among other booksellers.
Pete Panto Headstone Installed

From the Calandra Institute’s Director for Academic and Public Programming Dr. Joseph Sciorra: “I am euphoric to announce that a tombstone for murdered dock worker and labor activist Pietro ‘Pete’ Panto was recently placed at his grave that went unmarked for 82 years. I thank all of you who made this possible, with your support, your donations, and work of various sorts. We will soon be organizing a ceremony at the site. Stay tuned.”