Dean Anthony Julian Tamburri Receives Special Award at IASA Conference

Alan Gravano, Anthony Tamburri, Ilaria Serra
Gravano, Dean Tamburri, Dr. Serra

At the annual conference of the Italian American Studies Association in Boca Raton, Florida, this past weekend, Calandra’s dean, Anthony Tamburri, was presented with the IASA’s 2024 Distinguished Service Award. “The most important feature of Anthony’s sense of the word service is one that comprehends all,” said IASA’s former president Alan Gravano. “Anthony serves his colleagues because he enjoys the success of others as his own. He loves to provide ways for others to succeed. He creates venues and means for others to shine. … You could not find one person in our field who has not been helped or motivated to become a better scholar by Anthony Tamburri.” Gravano, along with Dr. Ilaria Serra, presented the award. Congratulations to Dean Tamburri.