Writers Read: Kossi Komla-Ebri reads from EmbarRACEments: Daily Embarrassments in Black and White . . . and Color and Home
Kossi Komla-Ebri reads from EmbarRACEments: Daily Embarrassments in Black and White . . . and Color (Bordighera Press, 2019) and Home (Bordighera Press, 2022)
Italy’s former minister for integration Cecile Kyenge has said: “Every black person living in Italy has his or her own rich repertoire of ‘Embarrassments.’” This is the embarrassment of difference, the discomfort related to the Other, the culturally different, and especially the visibly different. In many countries, people in majority populations believe that those Others seek to take away their jobs, customs, family—their identity. There is an urgent need to unpack and deconstruct these stereotypes and imagery and to alter public discourse. This book talk will contribute to this effort by focusing on issues of inclusivity, racism, and cultural conflict.
REGISTER in advance to attend in person by calling 212-642-2094. Covid protocols will be strictly enforced.
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