Symposium–On a Different Shore: Defining “Italians” Italian Identity in the 3rd Millennium

Students and faculty are invited to a constructive dialogue with four contemporary authors from Italy and four Italian-American authors to discuss the transformation of Italy and Italian culture today. Pino Aprile, renowned writer and author of last year’s best-seller Terroni, and Lorenzo Del Boca, author of Polentoni, president of the National Order of Journalists for 10years, will be among the panelists. The Italian-American group of writers will include Queens College’s Fred Gardaphé, Distinguished Professor of English and Italian Studies; Robert Viscusi, Director of the Wolfe Institute at Brooklyn College; Donna Chirico, Professor of Psychology at York College; and author Louisa Ermellino, Director, Publishers Weekly Review.

The discussion will be followed by a reception and tasting of contemporary Italian appetizers.This event is free and open to the public. Please call or e-mail to confirm as seating is limited: 718-392-2020 or