Symposium: Between Acceptance and Prejudice: One Hundred Years of Italian E/i[m]migration
The Comitato Società Dante Alighieri NYC invites you to the symposium Between Acceptance and Prejudice: One Hundred Years of Italian E/i[m]migration. This symposium takes its title from the Italian collection of essays Tra accoglienza e pregiudizio: Emigrazione e immigrazione nella storia dell’ultimo secolo: da Sacco e Vanzetti a Jerry Essan Masslo (2018) edited by Giovanni Cerchia and sponsored by the Fondazione Giorgio Amendola and the Associazione Lucana Carlo Levi. The program will consist of presentations by four authors from the book as well as others by area scholars, dealing with the theme of migration to and from Italy and its legacy today. Some presentations may be in Italian.
Opening Comments: Domenico Cerabona, Luigi Morgante, Anthony Julian Tamburri.
Speakers include: Giovanni Cerchia, Augusto Ferraiuolo, Eugenio Marino, Vito Antonio Leuzzi, together with Marcella Bencivenni, Fred Gardaphé, Fraser Ottanelli, Joseph Sciorra, and Mary Anne Trasciatti.
Moderator: Donna Chirico
Cosponsored by the Fondazione Giorgio Amendola, the Associazione Lucana Carlo Levi, and the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, CUNY.
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