Società Dante Alighieri a New York & Workshop

Società Dante Alighieri a New York & Workshop

Friday, October 27

10:30 am to 12:00 pm Signing of agreement between the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute and the Società Dante Alighieri. Opening a new Comitato Società Dante Alighieri in NYC
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm


Lo sviluppo della produzione scritta

Written Interpersonal and Interpretive Communication at High Schools and Colleges
The course aims to provide teachers with methodologies and techniques to properly develop written competence in its various facets: realization of personal and professional letters, summaries, reports, interpreting of charts and graphs, also in light of new fields of its use provided by interactive and social technologies– mail, forum, chats, etc.


The course is organized for both high-school and college teachers and addresses the issues of written communication at various levels of ability. The workshop will focus on the challenges posed by the evaluation process, both formative and summative, as well as certification, especially for the Advanced Placement interpersonal and presentational writing skills exam.


6:30 pm

Writing across Cultures: Expressing Identity through the Written Word.

Talk with writers Amara Lakhous and Tiziana Rinaldi Castro. Moderated by Anthony Julian Tamburri.


2:00 pm Welcome and Course Registration
3:00 – 6:00 pm Scrittura Creativa e Scrittura Collettiva: tecniche per lo sviluppo della competenza scritta e della consapevolezza metalinguistica in italiano LS

Silvia Giugni (Società Dante Alighieri)

Barbara D’Annunzio (Società Dante Alighieri)

6:30 pm Writing across Cultures: Expressing Identity through the Written Word.

Talk with writers Amara Lakhous and Tiziana Rinaldi Castro. Moderated by Anthony Julian Tamburri.

Saturday October 28

8:30 am Breakfast
9:00 am – 1:00 pm Reinforcing Writing Skills Through the AP Course and Exam

Roberta Pennasilico (DoDEA Naples)

Mario Costa (LaGuardia HS, New York)

2:00 – 4:00 pm Teaching and assessing writing in Higher Education

Barbara Spinelli (Columbia University)

4:15 – 6:00 pm Dialoghi nelle storie: tecniche e strategie per scrivere dialoghi efficaci e autentici in italiano come lingua straniera

Silvia Giugni (Società Dante Alighieri)

Barbara D’Annunzio (Società Dante Alighieri)