Poetry in Action: A Portrait of Vincent Ferrini (2000), 58 min. Henry Ferrini, dir.
Poem in Action captures the world of poet Vincent Ferrini and his commitment to the unity of art and life in what he called “the living poem.” The film portrays the forces that shaped this artist’s life: his immigrant parents; factory work; the Great Depression; the Communist Party; and the town of Gloucester, Massachusetts where he lived until his passing in December 2007. The filmmaker and poet’s nephew Henry Ferrini captured the idiosyncrasies of the man and the ever-changing landscape of their town of Gloucester. Vincent’s passion, magnetic presence, and unyielding creativity make for an energizing portrait of an artist and his community, a poet who is also teacher, historian, spokesman, and social activist.
Post-screening discussion with the director led by Fred Gardaphé, Queens College.
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