GIOSE RIMANELLI: 90 YEARS. An American Celebration
Giose Rimanelli: 90 Years. An American Celebration
This symposium celebrates the sixty-plus years of Giose Rimanelli’s literary and cultural contributions to narrative, poetry, criticism, and the visual arts. Through his work over the years, Giose has left an indelible mark on both the Italian and Italian/American cultural landscapes. His creative writing has spurned discussions about the craft, namely the how and why one writes. His essays have enlightened us about a series of writers and thematics that lie at the base of much discussion still alive today with regard to literary production and interpretation.
While Giose debuted in Italy with his novel Tiro al piccione, much of his cultural production work was done here in North America. For that reason, we wanted to honor our adoptive son in what has been his home for the past six decades.
Moderated by Sheryl Postman and Anthony Julian Tamburri
Participants include: Luigi Bonaffini • Romana Capek-Habekovic • Peter Carravetta • Luigi Fontanella • Fred Gardaphe • Sabrina Infante • Mark Pietralunga • Sante Matteo • Antonio Vitti • Maria Rosaria Alexander-Vitti
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