Divergenze in celluloide: Colore, migrazione e identit� nei film gay di Ferzan �zpetek
Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas

Book Presentation with author Ryan Calabretta-Sajder (University of Arkansas), Anthony Julian Tamburri (CUNY/Calandra Italian American Institute), and Giancarlo Lombardi (CUNY/The Graduate Center)

This volume (Mimesis edizioni, 2016) examines the cinematic production of the Italian Turkish director Ferzan Özpetek through the themes of color, sexual identity, and migration. The author delineates a definition of queer theory and applies it to Özpetek’s gay series following the motifs of family, memory, and food. From a cinematic point of view, Calabretta-Sajder argues that Özpetek should be considered a contemporary Italian director as he has lost his “accent,” according to the theory of Hamid Naficy, and because his films recount and comment on the rapidly changing Italian society.