BOOK PRESENTATION (Tuesday, June 17): Re-reading Italian Americana: Specificities and Generalities on Literature and Criticism (Fairleigh Dickinson UP 2014), by Anthony Julian Tamburri
Divided into three sections, the first deals with the general situation of Italian/American literature and its reception both in the United States and in Italy. Section two consists of six chapters, each discussing a specific author. Section three examines the current state of criticism dedicated to Italian/American literature, the second part focusing in on a number of specific works. The Midwest Review considers it a “work of impressive and meticulous scholarship,” while Frank Lentricchia labeled it “a landmark in the field.”
Presented by Fred Gardaphé, Distinguished Professor of English and Italian American Studies, Queens College, CUNY.
This event is organized by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura and in collaboration with The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute.
The event takes place at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura at 686 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065. Tel: 212 879 4242.
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