The Italian Immigrant Experience: Between Black and White
Edited by Vincent Bocchimuzzo, Elena Daniele, and Anthony Julian Tamburri
On September 23 and 24, 2022, Tulane University and the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute collaborated in presenting a symposium titled “The Italian Immigrant Experience: Between Black and White.” The symposium was held in New Orleans, on the Tulane campus. The symposium featured scholars who study the Italian American and the Black experiences in New Orleans as well as throughout the United States. This book is a compilation of the papers presented at the symposium.
Social Science/Cultural and Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 17
2024, ISBN 978-1-939323-14-9

La Diaspora Italiana in Canada: vecchie e nuove prospettive
A cura di Anthony Julian Tamburri e Silvana Mangione
Autori: Antonio D’Alfonso, Luisa Del Giudice, Giovanna P. Del Negro, Silvana Mangione, Daniela Sanzone, Anthony Julian Tamburri, Pasquale Verdicchio
Questo seconda libro di una serie di quattro nasce all’inizio del terzo decennio del ventunesimo secolo dal desiderio di ri-considerare e, al tempo stesso, di ri-valutare le diaspore italiane in quattro zone anglofone fuori dall’Europa: gli Stati Uniti, il Canada, l’Australia, e la Repubblica del Sudafrica, su impulso del Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’Estero.
Language: Italian
Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 16
2022, ISBN 978-1-939323-13-2

Gli Italiani in USA: nuove prospettive di una diaspora secolare
A cura di Anthony Julian Tamburri e Silvana Mangione
Autori: Ottorino Cappelli, Peter Carravetta, Teresa Fiore, Silvana Mangione, Emanuele Pettener, Laura E. Ruberto, Joseph Sciorra, Ilaria Serra, Anthony Julian Tamburri
Questo primo libro di una serie di quattro nasce all’inizio del terzo decennio del ventunesimo secolo dal desiderio di ri-considerare e, al tempo stesso, di ri-valutare le diaspore italiane in quattro zone anglofone fuori dall’Europa: gli Stati Uniti, il Canada, l’Australia, e la Repubblica del Sudafrica, su impulso del Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’Estero.
Language: Italian
Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 15
ISBN 978-1-939323-12-5

Diversity in Italian Studies
Edited by Siân Gibby and Anthony Julian Tamburri
Contributing authors: Sole Anatrone, Nicolino Applauso, Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, Rosetta Giuliani Caponetto, Mary Ann McDonald Carolan, John Champagne, Mark Chu, Shelleen Greene, Kristi Grimes, Julia Heim, Akash Kumar, Kenyse Lyons, Vetri Nathan, Deborah Parker, Deanna Shemek, Alessia Valfredini, Gaoheng Zhang.
This volume embodies the genesis of change in Italian studies. In essays both theoretical and practical, scholars set out to draw the contours of a new interactive and responsive map. Fundamental new approaches, including those emerging from the experiences of Black and other non-White students and professors as well as of LGBTQIA+ scholars and others, are brought to bear in this frank re-evaluation. The authors look hopefully and with determination toward the future of Italian studies.
Social Science/Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 14
2021, ISBN 978-1-939323-11-8

Social Hegemony and Educational Inequality: Problems of Ideology and Knowledge in Historical Texts
Joe A. Stornello
Foreword by Vincenzo Milione
This historiographic work in the field of educational history provides a critique of American education histories and explores the role of historical narrative in legitimating school organization, cultures, and practices. Two key functions of twentieth-century American school systems are explored: sorting and preparing students for social class strata and unequal access to power and opportunity through tracking and standardized testing; and inculcating a dominant, capitalist, nondemocratic ideology. The text analyzes the experiences of children from immigrant communities in American school systems. It investigates how the education of working-class immigrant children during the nineteenth and early twentieth century was conceived and planned by the architects of those systems, and problematizes how such conception and planning have been explained in histories of American education.
Social Science / Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 13
2020, ISBN 978-1-939323-10-1

Let’s Wake Up, Italics! Manifesto for a Glocal Future
Piero Bassetti
What is “italic”? Who are the “italics” of today? How can a political position be made? This book as a powerful manifesto invites the global community to take a conscious look at ourselves.
Social Science
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 12
2017, ISBN 978-1-939323-08-8

Reframing Italian America
Edited by Rosangela Briscese and Joseph Sciorra
Reframing Italian America brings to light forty-one historical photographs from the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute’s Bernard Titowsky Collection. The vast majority of the 222 items in this assemblage depict scenes of Italian immigrant life throughout the United States from approximately the first three decades of the twentieth century. A significant number of these prints are mounted on now-faded gray paperboard and captioned with meticulous and ornate calligraphy, presumably part of a previous exhibition. Rosangela Briscese and Joseph Sciorra have selected images from the collection to mount an exhibit of otherwise unknown photographs. The reframing of these images is an opportunity to discover, interpret, and enjoy these fragile and obscure visual documents. These portraits of long-gone individuals, many of them anonymous to history, offer a glimpse of how Italian immigrants refashioned themselves in the process of transforming America.
The catalog features essays by Dominique Padurano, Joseph Sciorra, and John Turturro.
Photography/Art History
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 11
2015, ISBN: 978-1-939323-07-1

Transcending Borders, Bridging Gaps: Italian Americana, Diasporic Studies, and the University Curriculum
Edited by Anthony Julian Tamburri and Fred Gardaphé
Featuring essays by Mary Jo Bona, Leonardo Buonomo, Marina Camboni, Ottorino Cappelli, Peter Carravetta, Margherita Ganeri, Fred Gardaphé, Paul Giordano, Djelal Kadir, Donatella Izzo, Cristina Lombardi-Diop, Giorgio Mariani, Graziela Parati, Joseph Sciorra, Anthony Julian Tamburri, Maddalena Tirabassi, and Robert Viscusi.
Italian American Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 10
2015, ISBN 978-1-939323-06-4

Forty Years of Italian-American Government Employment in New York City and New York State
Vincenzo Milione, Italia Pelizzoli, Carmine Pizzirusso
This study reviews forty years of Italian-American government employment in New York City and New York State. The study analyzes the percentage of Italian Americans in New York State and New York City occupations, including management and professional, service, and skilled and unskilled government employment. Italian Americans in government are further studied by employment tenure among entry, career, and senior level employees.
Demographics/Italian American Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 9
2015, ISBN 978-1-939323-05-7

The Heart is the Teacher
Leonard Covello, with Guido D’Agostino
"[Leonard] Covello’s accomplishments in creating a pedagogical strategy to meet the needs of the children of Italian immigrants and his identification of the need for language and cultural retention into the second- and third-generation, and beyond, place him at the very heart of Italian-American history. The applicability of his ideas and work to other immigrant groups inserts his life and efforts into the general history of immigration in America . . . Covello proposed an alternative vision of how Italian-American and other immigrant cultures (and especially their languages) could endure and flourish in their new homeland." —from the afterword by Gerald Meyer
Social Science/Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 8
2013, ISBN 978-1-939323-02-6

Benessere Psicologico: Contemporary Thought on Italian American Mental Health
Edited by Dominick Carielli and Joseph Grosso
Contributing authors: Kathryn Alessandria, Christina Bruni, Donna Chirico, Donna DiCello, Gil Fagiani, Richard Gambino, Fred Gardaphé, Lucia Imbesi, Dana Kaspereen-Guidicipietro, Maria Kopacz, Lorraine Mangione, Rachel McBride, Anthony Tasso, Jennifer Tursi.
The multicultural counseling movement, which began to flourish in the 1970s, put the melting pot theory to rest and paved the way for a focus on ethnic identity. Notably absent, however, has been research and discourse on white ethnic groups. With regard to Italian Americans, Benessere Psicologico: Contemporary Thought on Italian American Mental Health is an attempt to fill some of that void. The chapters herein cover a wide range of topics and viewpoints, from personal essays on experiences in therapy to theory and practice. This volume is an invaluable resource for both the researcher and practitioner, and an essential tool for any clinician working with the Italian American population.
Social Science/Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 7
2013, ISBN 978-1-9393203-00-2

New Directions in Italian and Italian-American History Selected Essays from the Conference in Honor of Philip V. Cannistraro
Edited by Ernest Ialongo and William M. Adams
On November 5, 2011, the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute hosted a conference entitled “New Directions in Italian and Italian American History: A Conference in Honor of Philip Cannistraro.” Cannistraro’s work managed to revolutionize both the fields of Italian history and Italian American history, and set in motion a future generation of scholars who would take up many of the questions he began raising so many years ago and, in turn, would demand answers using the same rigorous methodology that characterized his own work . . . This was Cannistraro’s legacy: to force new questions and lines of research in his two fields.” —from the Introduction
Italian and Italian American Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 6
2012, ISBN 978-0-9703403-9-9

Italian Signs, American Politics: Current Affairs/Historical Perspectives/Empirical Analyses
Edited by Ottorino Cappelli
This book analyzes intra-ethnic elections in the United States, in the circumstance of American politicians of Italian descent who ran against each other in the State of New York. The first part examines the 2010 gubernatorial campaign between Andrew M. Cuomo and Carl P. Paladino, the highest-level intra-Italian electoral contest in contemporary times. The second part addresses the Congressional races between James Lanzetta and Vito Marcantonio in East Harlem in the 1930s, and the 1950 New York City mayoral elections, where the three major candidates-Vincent Impellitteri, Ferdinand Pecora, and Edward Corsi-were all Italian-born. The third part investigates the relationship between social demographics and the success of Italian American politicians in hegemonic districts where intra-Italian elections occur frequently.
Social Science/Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 5
2012, ISBN 978-0-9703403-8-2

Graces Received: Painted and Metal Ex-votos from Italy
Edited by Rosangela Briscese and Joseph Sciorra
Within Catholicism, ex-votos are votive objects presented in thanks for heavenly intercession with a misfortune such as an accident or illness. This book features two types of Italian ex-votos from the collection of Leonard Norman Primiano, dating from 1832 to 1959: metal objects in the shapes of people, afflicted body parts, or hearts, and painted narrative tablets depicting the dramatic moment of crisis for which intercession was requested. Collectively, the three essays address a history of ex-votos and their place within Catholic thought, their creation and use by Italian Americans, and finally, the ex-votos’ social life beyond their original religious context, in particular, as collectibles and inspiration for studio-trained artists.
Art History/Religious Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 4
2012, ISBN 978-0-9703403-7-5

Italian American Students in New York City, 1975-2000. A Research Anthology
Nancy L. Ziehler, Editor
Contributing Authors: Geraldine Lanzilli Battista, Audrey Blumberg, Lawrence V. Castiglione, Ciro T. De Rosa, Vincent J. Fuccillo, Jerome Krase, David E. Lavin, Vincenzo Milione, Itala Pelizzoli, James Perrone, Joseph V. Scelsa, Pierre Tribaudi, Nancy L. Ziehler.
The ten research reports presented in this anthology examine the experiences of Italian-American high school, college and graduate students throughout New York City. Culling more than thirty years of scholarship, Italian-American Students in New York City addresses a gap in the vast body of multicultural counseling literature pertaining to students of diverse populations and cultural contexts. Readers will derive a preliminary understanding about a specific population whose experiences may differ substantially from their own and of the "standard American culture." The data and analyses of these findings provide critical insights for counselors, psychologists, and educators of Italian-American students.
Social Science/Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 3
2011, ISBN 978-0-9703403-5-1

Mediated Ethnicity: New Italian-American Cinema
Edited by Joseph Sciorra, Anthony Julian Tamburri, Giuliana Muscio, and Giovanni Spagnoletti
Contributing Authors: Emelise Aleandri, Giorgio Bertellini, Giuliana Bruno, Robert Casillo, George De Stefano, Emilio Franzina, Simona Frasca, Fred L. Gardaphé, Silvia Giagnoni, Anna Camaiti Hostert, Stefano Luconi, Anton Giulio Mancino, Giuliana Muscio, Emanuele Pettener, Veronica Pravadelli, Jacqueline Reich, John Paul Russo, Joseph Sciorra, Alessandra Senzani, Ilaria Serra, Anthony Julian Tamburri, Vito Zagarrio.
Cinema/Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 2
2010, ISBN 978-0-9703403-6-8

Uncertainty and Insecurity in the New Age
Vincent Parrillo, Editor
Contributing Authors: Rachele Benedetti, Rita Biancheri, Andrea Borhini, Dominic Candeloro, Rocco Caporale, Sofia Capuano, Luca Carbone, Michael Carosone, Valentina Cremonesini, Gabriele De Angelis, Simone Gabbriellini, Karyn Loscocco, Paul Magro, Vincenzo Mele, Stefania Milella, Vincenzo Milione, Noelle Molè, Sonia Paone, Gerardo Pastore, Itala Pelizzoli, Carmine Pizzirusso, Maria Grazia Ricci, Michele Rosa-Clot, Ino Rossi, Angelo Salento, Sarah Siciliano, Ferdinando Spina, Susanna Tardi, Mario Aldo Toscano, Christine Zinni.
This collection of twenty-eight essays by Italian and Italian-American scholars explores the impact of globalization on individuals' lives in both Italy and the United States. Examined are such concerns as the preservation of local cultures; the conflicting values resulting from social change; the maintenance of one's social identity and heritage; our resulting perceptions and political actions; and the effects on employment stability and workplace environment.
Social Science/Ethnic Studies
Studies in Italian Americana, Volume 1
2009, ISBN 978-0-9703403-4-4

The Advanced Placement Program in Italian: History and Analysis
Roberto Dolci
This study explores a peculiar aspect of the teaching of Italian in the United States through the Advanced Placement Program in Italian. To date there has been no in-depth analysis of this topic; this book offers one. After fifteen iterations of the AP Exam in Italian, it seemed an appropriate time to assess the situation. This book provides an initial evaluation of the results of the Advanced Placement Program in Italian. The first chapter deals with a historical reconstruction of the college access exams of Italian: the Achievement Test, the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the AATI National Italian Exam (NIE), and the APP in Italian. The second and third chapters analyze the AP Italian exams from 2012 to 2022. The data are provided directly by the College Board, and the reports are prepared each year by the AP Italian Language and Culture Chief Readers. The aim is to provide some guidance for teachers, institutional bodies, and organizers. The conclusions represent a contribution to the future of this important educational language policy tool, considered fundamental for the promotion of Italian language and culture in the US.
Italian Language
Transactions, Volume 5
2023, ISBN 978-1-939323-20-0

Nursing Homes for Italian Americans in New York City: Factors for Utilization
Rosaria Musco
This research developed into a Capstone for the CUNY School of Professional Studies. It originally came about as a result of discovering the lack of information available on Italian American eldercare. The research examines factors that may influence the use of nursing homes by Italian Americans in New York City. Some of these factors include whether elders are afflicted with mental disabilities or physical ones and whether their family members need to work and thus are unable to provide care in the home. The results obtained by the present study vary according to a number of variables, such as whether families are first-generation or later immigrants and what their feelings are about home-care versus assisted-living options.
Social Science/Ethnic Studies
Transactions, Volume 4
2019, ISBN 978-1-939323-09-5

Intercomprehension and Plurilingualism: Assets for Italian Language in the USA
Edited by Roberto Dolci and Anthony Julian Tamburri
Contributing authors: Elisabette Bonvino, Carlo Davoli, Roberto Dolci, Clorinda Donato, Pierre Escudé, Fabrizio Fornara, Diane Hartunian, Ida Lanza, Markus Muller, Cedric Joseph Oliva, Barbara Spinelli, Anthony Tamburri, Diego Cortés Velásquez, Irene Zanini-Cordi.
This compilation is gleaned from workshops and symposia sponsored by the Italian Language Resource Laboratory of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute. It introduces new methodologies in teaching Italian to students who are native speakers or have an excellent knowledge of another Romance language. The binomial “intercomprehension and multilingualism” constitutes a new frontier which promises to facilitate dynamic, productive language teaching and learning methodologies in an increasingly multilingual society.
Italian Language
Transactions, Volume 3
2015, ISBN 978-1-939323-03-3

Why Study Italian: Diverse Perspectives on a Theme
Edited by Roberto Dolci and Anthony Julian Tamburri
The idea for this editorial project was born out of discussions that paralleled those that were taking place around the reimplementation of the Advanced Placement Program in Italian, which the College Board had suspended after the 2010 administration of the Advanced Placement Exam in Italian. The goal of this collection is not to speak to the specifics of the Advanced Placement Program in Italian in any direct way. Instead, this compilation offers an array of different voices that address the general question, “Why study Italian,” which may be understood as a statement or an interrogative. The underlying issue is that Italian is, today, a language very much alive, useful, and employed by many in a multitude of venues and sectors across the world.
Italian Language
Transactions, Volume 2
2012, ISBN 978-1-939323-01-9

Sì, Parliamo Italiano: Globalization of the Italian Culture in the United States
Vincenzo Milione and Christine Gambino
This study constitutes a first of a kind, as it examines how we might arrive at a more accurate number of people who speak Italian in the United States. In so doing, Christine Gambino and Vincenzo Milione look at the social surveys available to the public and analyze those figures against the background of a century-long evolution of the speaking, studying, and teaching of Italian nationwide. The reader of this study will come to understand that the socio linguistic landscape for Italian is much more broad than we might have thought, precisely because the current tools available to us are outdated and, to some degree, dismissive of the situation.
Italian Language
Transactions, Volume 1
2009, ISBN 978-0-9703403-3-7

Italians in Politics in America: Conversations with Italian-American Legislators of the State of New York
Interviewed by Ottorino Cappelli
Forewords by Natalia Quintavalle, Consul General of Italy in New York; Paolo Genco, National President, ANFE Italia; Anthony Julian Tamburri, Dean, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute.
Interviews with Joseph P. Addabbo Jr., James S. Alesi, Ron Canestrari, John A. DeFrancisco, Francine DelMonte, RoAnn Destito, Ginny Fields, Charles J. Fuschillo Jr., Joseph A. Griffo, Andrew J. Lanza, George S. Latimer, Joseph R. Lentol Jr., Donna A. Lupardo, William B. Magnarelli, Serphin R. Maltese, George Onorato, Frank Padavan, Diane J. Savino, Mark Schroeder, Mike Spano.
Politics/Social Science/Ethnic Studies
Maria Federici Series in Politics and Government, Volume 1
2015, ISBN 978-1-939323-04-0

The Autobiography of Carlo Tresca
Edited by Nunzio Pernicone
2003, ISBN 0-9703403-1-1

I Vote My Conscience: Debates and Writings by Vito Marcantonio
Selected and Edited by Annette T. Rubinstein and Associates
With a new introduction, bibliography of works about Vito Marcantonio, and biography of Annette T. Rubinstein, by Gerald Meyer.
2002, LCCN: 56-9J11

Freeing the Angel from the Stone: A Guide to Piccirilli Sculpture in New York City
Jerry and Eleanor Koffler
"Jerry and Eleanor Koffler are consummate researchers who have brought life to the Piccirilli brothers. In the late 1920s the Piccirilli brothers did dozens of beautiful stone carvings in the entrances, chancel screens, columns etc. at The Riverside Church [...] It is a great privilege to have this book available to our staff, tour guides, and researchers." —Victor K. Jordan, Associate Archivist of The Riverside Church
Art/Italian Americana
Fuori Collana, Volume 2
2006, ISBN 978-0-9703403-2-0

The Italians of New York: Five Centuries of Struggle and Achievement
Philip V. Cannistraro, Editor
Italian immigrants made their homes in New York long before the Great Migration. Sometime in the 1640s a Venetian sailor named Cesare Alberti settled at the corner of Broad Street and Exchange Place in Manhattan and was perhaps the earliest Italian homeowner in the city. During the era of the American Revolution, farmers, merchants and musical artists followed Alberti's example, creating a small but noticeable Italian presence in the city. In the mid-nineteenth century, Italian refugees fleeing political repression settled in New York. One early exile was the artist Nicolino Calyo, who painted street scenes. Lorenzo Da Ponte, Mozart's librettist, also settled here in 1830, helped to found the Italian Opera House and became the first professor of Italian at Columbia University. Perhaps the most prominent political exile to come to New York was Giuseppe Garibaldi, the military hero responsible for the unification of Italy. When the American Civil War broke out, Italians and other immigrants in New York formed the Garibaldi Guard, a volunteer group officially known as the 39th New York Regiment. Immigrant Luigi Palma di Cesnola fought in the Union army and received a Congressional Medal of Honor. After the conflict, di Cesnola served as United States Consul to Crete and in 1880 became the first director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Italian American Studies
Fuori Collana, Volume 1
2000, ISBN 0-9705737-0-7